A Dermatologist’s Take On Magnifying Mirrors
Sunday sunrise reflections on balcony while everyone is still sleeping:
Magnifying mirrors are hateful, hateful things.
My kids have never seen one before and saw one in a hotel bathroom and asked me what it's for.
Well sweet angels, its purpose is to inflict mental anguish on patients and dermatologists worldwide.
No dermatologist will ever tell you to buy one. In fact, I encourage patients to throw them away.
However since I do care about the environment I move and recommend that someone much smarter than me from our up and coming generation collect all of these God awful magnifying mirrors to recycle/reuse/repurpose them into something actually helpful to society-->I'm thinking little robots that pick up trash, brush my high maintenance dog, whatever. I'll be the first to contribute to your gofundme.
If you are worried or annoyed by something on your skin, take action and make an appointment with your dermatologist! It's much more productive than picking til you bleed at 10X.
Here are my #nofilter #nomakeuppores and breakouts that the plain old iphone does just fine capturing.